THEnet and Northern Ontario School of Medicine are organizing an interactive satellite session at the upcoming virtual #CUGH2021 Conference: “Increasing Health Equity by confronting racism, bias, and discrimination in Health Workforce Education and Global Health.” Joining THEnet are the @BeyondFlexner Alliance and partners from @TUFH @EqualHealth Campaign Against Racism.
The goals are to:
- Raise awareness of how health workforce education institutions through their educational and institutional programs, projects, and policies as well as their culture and underlying narratives often perpetuate biases and discrimination and therefore contribute to health inequities.
- Foster reflection and action to transform how institutional policies, practices, and programs to become active partners in eliminating racism and discrimination in health care and thereby improving health inequities.
Speakers and panelists include:
Walter Flores, the Director of the Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems, in Guatemala
Lionel Green-Thompson, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences University of Cape Town, South Africa
Wuleta Lemma, the CEO, and Founder of Lalibela Global-USA/ Lalibela-Networks Ethiopia
Eva M. Moya, Ph.D., an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at the University of Texas at El Paso, United States
Toyese Oyeyemi, the Director of the Beyond Flexner Alliance, United States
Sarita Verma, the Dean, President, and CEO of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Canada
Patanjali de la Rocha, Executive Director of Birth Beyond Bars and chapter lead of the @EqualHealth Campaign Against Racism
Hiba Mahgoub, a medical student at the University of Gezira, Sudan
Anita Reta, a medical student at the University of New Mexico, United States
Attendance is open to all while space is available. Please register here.