Health professional educational institutions can be important engines in driving social and educational change and innovation to ensure that their products (medical, nursing and other health professional graduates) are fit for purpose in terms of meeting the needs of the populations that they serve. In this perspective piece,” Mission and role modelling in producing a fit‐for‐purpose rural health workforce: perspectives from an international community of practice,” members of THEnet’s Evidence Group provide an overview of THEnet’s collaborative research and findings. By summarising and integrating evidence from THEnet’s collective work and the experience of partner schools in diverse locations, the group identified consistent findings that may help produce a fit-for-purpose global health workforce in rural and underserved regions of the world.
Quality healthcare is a human right. Yet, more than 1 billion people won’t ever see a health worker. THEnet believes that all families should have access to quality health services. Better health outcomes begin with the education that health workers receive. That’s why THEnet is committed to ensuring that health professional education is people centered and tailored to meets the needs of communities.