How To Use
The Framework
The Framework and its accompanying Toolkit helps individuals and institutions design, modify, and evaluate institutional and educational strategies and programs and guide institutions to become more socially accountable.
It is not designed to be a pass/fail exercise, or a ‘tick box’ for social accountability, but instead an iterative evaluation process to help schools take a critical and honest look at how they work and what they do and assess progress towards greater social accountability and better outcomes. It is an organic tool that continues to evolve specific tools get tested and evidence emerges as to what works how and in what context.
How can you use the
Framework in your context?
How to Use the
Here is a step by step guide for those assessing the impact of their institutional and educational strategies on health, equity and health systems.
1/ Ethics Application
Submit an ethics application to your ethics boards.
2/ Workshop
Conduct a workshop for the stakeholders of your school to familiarize them with the SA Framework and find out where you can locate some of the information.
3/ Collect Data
Use the information from the workshop to start collecting data through document review, and focus groups and interviews.
4/ Review and
Analyze Data
Review and analyze data and determine strengths, weaknesses and gaps.
5/ Write Up Results
Synthesize, organize and write up results of the evaluation and identify opportunities for improvement and additional research.
6/ Report Dissemination
Share the report and results with others through presentation, publications and with THEnet so that we can learn from you.
How to Use The Framework
to Help Assess Your School
Each section of the Framework contains several key questions. For each question, the Framework offers three elements to guide health professional institutions in assessing the question along with a list of tools that can help in this process.
Framework Questions